QLD 4350 is the postcode of Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia |
Several local groups are hosted here:Rangeartists.goamazing.com is an association of local artists. You will find examples of their paintings and phone numbers if you would like to buy one - or commission a portrait.GreenChicken.goamazing.com is a group of authors, who are busy writing their memoirs. Showscript.com is a showplace for theatre plays, written by Ros Billingsley and performed as Greenrooms at Toowoomba Repertory Theatre and at festivals around the area. You will find scripts and video recordings. Goamazing.com is a place where Ros and John Billingsley show off their range of artistic activities. FredMouse.showscript.com shows some of Ros's stories for children, written long ago. The site hosts some of John's technical activities. Jollies.com is "Javascript On Line Learning Interactive Environment for Simulation". M2VIP.qld4350.com supports the conference Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, held around the world for nearly three decades. Essmech.qld4350.com provides additional information for the book "Essentials of Mechatronics". Essdyn.com provides simulation examples for the book "Essentials of Dynamics and Vibration". IEEEAgRA.com is a WordPress site for the IEEE RAS special interest group on Agricultural Robotics and Automation. |