Essentials of Mechatronics ISBN:
0-471-72341-X- ©John Billingsley 2006 - published
John Wiley & Sons, Inc
11/3/1.htm Code for PIC ADC
This has been provided by Mark Phythian:
Here is the PIC program (Basic version) (Assembly version)
These have been given a .txt extension to avoid security problems.
The URLs of the Basic compiler and other useful items are as follows:
Basic compiler (approx $25)
free software for a range of PIC programmers
one PIC prgrammer available from Jaycar for around $40.
The PIC used is a Microchip PIC16F88.
All commands are echoed, then data follows
Commands are:
Hex $30 character 0
Returns 8 bytes: 4 channels of 10 bit adc readings (right
Hex $40 character @
Returns 4 bytes: 4 channels of 8 bit adc readings
Hex $50 character P
Returns 1 byte: 4 input bits in low part of byte
Hex $60-$6F characters ',a,b,c,d .. o
Sets the 4 output bits according to low 4 bits
Returns 0 bytes
Two other pins on the PIC are interrupt inputs (active low)
INT1 sends 1 byte hex $21 character !
INT2 sends 1 byte hex $22 character "
A Visual Basic 6.0 demonstration program is in this zip file.