SCREEN 12 VIEW (90, 36)-(638, 348), 8, 12 'Grey box with red border WINDOW (0, 0)-(10, 40) 'Set scale LINE (0, 0)-(10, 0), 9 'Draw axis PRINT "The vertical scale is 0 to + 40, horizontal is 0 to 10. "; x0 = 0: u = 10 PRINT "The input ="; u PRINT "Test the effect of various steplengths from .001 to 5, zero to end." PRINT k = .5 DO INPUT "Step "; dt: IF dt <= 0 THEN END x = x0 t = 0 PSET (0, x0) 'Move pen to starting point DO x = x + (-k * x + u) * dt 'This is the simulation t = t + dt LINE -(t, x) 'This displays the result as lines LOOP UNTIL t > 10 LOOP